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Launch of ‘Why Socialist Feminism?’ Pamphlet

March 24, 2016 @ 19:00

Workers' Liberty women

Venue: The Union Tavern, 52 Lloyd Baker Street, London WC1X 9AA

Join us to launch a new pamphlet “Why Socialist Feminism?” written by women in Workers’ Liberty. We’ll have discussion about socialist feminism and organising working-class women today. And feminist spoken word including Janine Booth, author of “Mostly Hating Tories” and “The 3Rs: Ranting, Rhyming and Revolting”. More details soon.

The revival of feminist discussion and activity since the late 2000s has drawn many new, younger feminists into writing and organising in Europe and North Ameria. Emerging feminist movements around the world, in India, Turkey and the Middle East and elsewhere, fighting against oppressive political systems and stark economic inequalities, have thrown up new forms of struggle. But what kind of overall feminist perspective do we need to radically change the world?

As revolutionary socialists fighting for a society based on human need not profit, Workers’ Liberty makes class struggle and radical social change central to our feminism. We are socialist feminist. Our new pamphlet explores some of what “socialist feminism” might mean in the context of the lastest “wave” and current global conditions.

For more information about this event or the pamphlet contact: [email protected] or 07883 520 852

Facebook event.


March 24, 2016

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