Introducing the TUC handbook, Autism in the Workplace

About the author

Janine Booth, is a member of the TUC Disabled Workers Committee and the committee of Autistic-UK. She is a former member of the national Council of Executives of the Rail, Maritime and Transport union (RMT). Janine runs Autism in the Workplace training events with the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA). You can contact Janine by emailing [email protected]

Introduction by the General Secretary

Autism is a term covering a wide range of conditions that reflect neurological differences among people: the barriers placed in the way of workers who have an autistic condition may affect their lives at work. This first ever TUC guide to autism aims to inform trade union officers, representatives and members of the facts, and advise how to support members who are autistic to secure the adjustments they may need, and to which they are legally entitled. The author is an expert who is already successfully challenging unions and employers to understand neurological diversity and its consequences for neuroatypical workers and I hope that many unions will make use of this expertise to equip themselves to tackle the challenges and obstacles faced by ignorance and prejudice faced by workers who are autistic.

Frances O’Grady
TUC General Secretary April 2014

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