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What Rough Beast: poems on Trump and Trumpism

What Rough Beast: poems on Trump and Trumpism

As citizens vote in the Presidential election in the USA, an anthology of poems opposing Donald Trump is published in the UK – and it includes Janine Booth’s poem, ‘Hallelujah President Trump’.

Pantoum: At Kindergarten in Lviv

'Shelter' sign at Lviv kindergarten

At Kindergarten in Lviv The sirens sound, the children risePut on their coats and follow teacherAway from danger from the skiesAir raids are a schoolday feature Put on their coats and follow teacherToddle through the honeycombAir raids are a schoolday … Read more

District 6

District 6 Museum

District 6 is an area of Cape Town, South Africa, that had a population that was racially mixed until the Apartheid government decreed in 1966 that District 6 become whites-only. Sixty thousand black and coloured residents of District 6 were evicted and their houses demolished.

Women’s Fightback #30 launch

Women's Fightback #30, socialist feminist magazine

Join us to celebrate the launch of the new issue of Women’s Fightback, a socialist feminist magazine by Workers’ Liberty.

Solidarity with Ukraine!


Artillery rounds and a barrage of shellfire It looks and it sounds like extending an empire Bombing and shooting civilians slain Expansionist Putin invading Ukraine Threatening nukes and rain hell from the skies Dismissing rebukes with chauvinist lies Conscripts uprooting … Read more



Her cover drive and how she ran are now haram under the rule of the Taliban Can she stay in? For sure she can She can’t be out without a man in ancient, new Afghanistan She’d tackle assumptions and she’d … Read more

Women footballers escaping the Taliban

Kelly Lindsey

Published in Women’s Fightback 26, Autumn/Winter 2021     Kelly Lindsey, former head coach of the Afghanistan women’s football team – and before that, US international player – spoke to supporters before Lewes FC women’s home friendly against West Ham … Read more

Storming the Capitol

Lego Capitol

Trump set their touchpaper alight They marched there tooled up for a fight They’re so convinced that they are right And most still live – because they’re white

Free Zhang Zhan!


China jails citizen journalist for Wuhan reports Four years in jail for citizen reporter Who spread the news from virus-struck Wuhan Her mother cries in court to lose her daughter She showed the world the sickness, did Zhang Zhan So … Read more

Black culture and resistance: the Harlem Renaissance

Augusta Savage

Published in Solidarity 569:     One hundred years ago, an arts movement was forming in a mainly-black district of New York City. Later known as the Harlem Renaissance, it was primarily cultural but also inescapably political. Literature, poetry, jazz, … Read more

Clerihew: Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes Wrote poems in the rhythm of the blues He gave folk the shivers With ‘The Negro Speaks of Rivers’

Poems of the Harlem Renaissance


I have contributed this short article to Black History Month activities where I work. Poems of the Harlem Renaissance – recommended by Janine Booth Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes and Claude McKay were all black American poets who were part of … Read more

Breaking The Law

Government admits Brexit plan breaks law in specific and limited way

I’m doing a bit of cash-in-hand work in a specific and limited way I’m nicking some pens as a justified perk in a specific and limited way I’m short on cash so I won’t pay my bills in a specific … Read more

Uproot, Depart

Riots in Minneapolis following police murder of George Floyd

“When the looting starts, the shooting starts.” But when did the executing start? When did the racist recruiting start? And when will the prosecuting start? That will be when the suits will start elocuting and refuting parts, disputing and diluting … Read more

Beirut, 4 August 2020

Beirut explosion

Beirut, 4 August 2020 First came the plume from hangar twelve Cellphone cameras swung around and pointed to preserve, for fear that even worse might happen here   Next there came the second blast Flattened buildings, shattered glass raining pain … Read more