Listen to Janine speaking at Momentum’s The World Transformed event at Labour Party conference on 24 September 2017.
Here is a selection of how the media reported it:
“On Sunday, a supportive MP, Clive Lewis, called for a “phase two” of Momentum, moving away from being just a “praetorian guard” for Mr Corbyn; Janine Booth, a trade unionist, questioned why Momentum members could not influence its policy positions. Their contributions received a lukewarm reception from Jon Lansman, the veteran leftwing activist who founded the group.”
Financial Times
“Janine responded that the Labour Party and labour movement should of course try to work with “progressive” social movements of all sorts, and seek to become a “progressive alliance” in themselves, but that making electoral pacts with non-labour movement parties such as the Greens, the Scottish nationalists and above all the Lib Dems would both weaken its ability to act as a class-based political force and undermine the kind of nation-wide enthusiasm it was able to generate in the last general election.”
The Clarion
“Janine Booth, a trade unionist and member of the Trotskyist organisation Workers Liberty, calls for the abolition of the monarchy and declares that “breaking bad laws is a very important part of democracy”.”
The Times (online article is behind a paywall – photo of the article from the print edition attached)
“Also on the panel was Janine Booth, of the RMT union, who told the event: ‘We need to abolish the monarchy. We also need a right to protest, we need to take direct action, and democracy, yes, sometimes involves breaking bad laws.’
She admitted there was ‘a genuine issue… with anti-Semitism within the Labour movement’, but said it needed to be confronted through political education and debate rather than disciplining offenders.
Daily Mail
“La sindicalista Janine Booth, el profesor universitario Jeremy Gilbert, el diputado Clive Lewis y el creador de Momentum, Jon Lansman, compartieron cómo habría que desarrollar para el futuro el programa electoral preparado con prisas para las elecciones de junio y que, en palabras de Gilbert, «era una continuación de la socialdemocracia tal como quedó en 1951».”
La Rioja