Results and Prospects

Here is the very good news from today’s appointment with the surgeon at Homerton Hospital (pictured):

  • they got it all out – the tumour and all surrounding areas are gone, departed, no more, not pining for the fjords etc.; I don’t need any more surgery.
  • there is no cancer in the lymph nodes, not a bit, a trace or a smidgeon.

Treatment from here on is about preventing it coming back, and here is the less good news: the factors influencing whether I need chemotherapy (eg. the aggressiveness of the cancer) are inconclusive. Some suggest I would benefit from it, some not. So further testing is required. Fortunately, this testing is not of me but of the tumour they removed from me. I am now being transferred to the care of the oncologist and will be given an appointment within two weeks. Farewell, surgeon Dr Pravanta – you have been brilliant. In the meantime, the radiotherapy is on hold, because although I will definitely need to have it, if I need chemo, that will need to be done first. So unlike the turkeys, I will probably not be microwaved (or stuffed) over Christmas.

My wounds continue to heal well, but given their size and severity, this is a long and rather painful process, made longer and more painful by the weight (read ‘massiveness’) of my boob. More dressings were removed and applied, and I will have them checked and reapplied next Tuesday.

The major frustration with all this is not knowing what is going to happen when. The timing is rather unfortunate for me, as I have recently cut my hours in my regular job (which has 100% sick pay) in order to do more freelance work training and performing (which has 0% sick pay). I hate not being able to guarantee when I will be available for this work. Ah well, best to crack on as best I can and take the opportunity to do some writing. I’m a very impatient patient

I got some leaflets and info about wellbeing and exercise, so I’m going to apply myself to that from next week. Macmillan has a local service which apparently involves massage, walking groups and coffee, and I reckon I’m up for that.

Finally, question-and-answer of the day was: Will I ever get the feeling back in my nipple? We’ll know that in about a year’s time.

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