Revise the System

Work hard, be conscientious, be afraid
Your life won’t be worth living if you fail
The only thing that matters is your grade

Feel guilty for each error you have made
Learn quotes by rote and don’t stop to exhale
Work hard, be conscientious, be afraid

Of falling short of A-star accolade
Don’t eat, don’t sleep, travail your skin to pale
The only thing that matters is your grade

With practice papers and revision aid
Write PEEZER paragraphs until they’re stale
Exert yourself until you’re sore afraid

This heavy burden on your shoulder weighed
Don’t lose life’s balance, strain may tip the scale
I’m sure there’s more that matters than your grade

Results just show how well the game’s been played
Believe that being human will prevail
Work well, relax and please don’t be afraid
Your worth is in your person not your grade

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