Tell me Jeremy, with lives at stake
Aren’t doctors safer when they’re awake?
Would you have surgery from a doc
Who’s been on duty round the clock?
Tell me Jeremy, tell me why
You seem to think that you can buy
Our doctors’ lives, and their assent
For pieces of silver, a few per cent?
Tell me Jeremy, do you not get
That five years mounting student debt
Another nine in junior ranks
Deserves much more than poisoned thanks?
Tell me Jeremy, why you say
That Saturday’s a ‘normal day’?
Please pop round my place when you’re free
Explain that to my family
Tell me Jeremy, tell no tales
Why no dispute in Scotland or Wales?
Why just the English must endure
Contractual nightmare, kill not cure?
Tell me Jeremy, who’s reputed
To tell the truth when facts disputed?
Whose words do people take as true –
55,000 junior doctors – or you?!
Tell me Jeremy, are you surprised
The public’s on the doctors’ side?
Try to divide us all you like –
We still support the doctors’ strike!
Tell me Jeremy, when action wins
When we’ve dumped those contracts in the bins
When we’ve proved the strength of the picket line
Will you finally do something good – resign?!