Video: Empower the Unions

Janine speaks on why and how we should fight anti-strike and anti-union laws, as part of the launch week for Empower the Unions, a new initiative from Earth Strike UK, a group of anti-capitalist activists in the climate movement. The campaign aims to unite environmental activists and trade unionists to resist laws that prevent unions from fighting for the climate. Check out the Facebook page here.

Videos from the online launch event are now available, which you can watch here.

Speakers included Professor Gregor Gall; Daniel Randall, RMT activist and Free Our Unions co-organiser; Dave Smith of the Blacklist Support Group; Verity Burgmann, co-author of Green Bans, Red Union; Janine Booth, RMT Disabled Members Advisory Committee secretary; and Vicki Morris, editor of the Save Vestas blog during the Vestas wind turbine factory workers’ occupation.

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