DMWs at Union Mash Up, Hull

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Janine brings the Disaffected Middle-aged Women to Hull. She wil perform loads of great poems from the book, which will be on sale. There will also be guest performances from two local DMW poets: Catherine Scott is a well-known local … Read more

DMWs at Well Spoken! Doncaster

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Janine performs material from Disaffected Middle-aged Women at Doncaster’s fabulous monthly spoken word show. Venue: Brewery and Tap, 7 Young Street, Doncaster DN1 3EL Facebook event here.

DMWs at Loose Muse, London

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Janine will be performing poems from ‘Disaffected Middle-aged Women’ at LOOSE MUSE – London’s Premiere Women’s Writers Night. Venue: upstairs @  The Sun Pub, 21 Drury Lane (on the corner of Betterton Street), London WC2B 5RH – 8.00 p.m. – doors open from 7.30 pm.  £6.00/£5.00 concessions. 

DMWs at the Glastonwick Festival

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Janine brings the Disaffected Middle-aged Women to the Sussex countryside alongside an array of musicians, poets and real ales. Venue: Church Farm, Coombes, West Sussex, BN15 0RS Tickets on sale 5 March as always from Duke Of-Wellington Evening Star, The Schooner and in person/online … Read more

DMWs at Otley and Yeadon Labour Rooms

Join us ‘Upstairs at the Labour Rooms’ as Janine, Laura Taylor and A N Other poet entertain the comrades. Address: Walkergate, Otley LS211HB £5 on the door.