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  • Clerihew
  • Four lines, two rhyming couplets. The first line is the name of a person. The rhymes and the line lengths are allowed to be - supposed to be, even - a bit rubbish.
  • Golden shovels
  • A golden shovel takes another poet's poem (or extract) and uses its words as the end words of the lines of a new poem. So if you read down the right-hand side, just the last word of each line, of the golden shovel, you will be reading the poem that inspired it. The golden shovel expands, develops or even changes the meaning of the original.
  • Haiku
  • First: five syllables Next line: seven syllables Last: five syllablesThere are some other rules too, but I'm ignoring them.
  • Limericks
  • Five-line poems, usually funny or light-hearted; the first, second and fifth lines rhyme with each other; the third and fourth lines also rhyme with each other, and are shorter.
  • Pantoums
  • A form of poetry comprised of a series of quatrains; the second and fourth lines of each stanza being repeated as the first and third of the next, until the last stanza, where the second and fourth lines are the third and first lines of the first stanza. Got that? Good.
  • Sonnets
  • Fourteen lines of iambic pentameter. The two most usual rhyme schemes are ababcdcd-efefgg (English/Shakespearean) and abbaabba-cdecde or abbaabba-cdcdcd (Italian/Petrarchan). The move from the first eight lines (the octave) to the remaining six lines (the sestet) often sees a turn in the poem's theme or 'argument'. Plus some fourteen-liners that are not strictly sonnets.
  • Triolet
  • Eight lines. The first and second lines repeat as the seventh and last lines, and the first line also repeats as the fourth line. The rhyme scheme is  ABaAabAB, capital letters representing the repeated lines.

Ribbons of Scarlet

Cush at my 50th birthday gig

– a golden shovel after ‘Scarlet Ribbons’, for Cush At the peal of the bell, they don’t tell you there’s a field that not everyone comes back from. The survivor’s been fearing that he’ll never stop hearing the gunfire even … Read more

Self-Isolation in a Single Hostel Room

single room

Day 1 confined to room – no going out Day 2 do push-ups, Netflix, clean the floor Day 3 phone friends and scrub the tiling grout Day 4 a breakfast bag outside the door Day 5 phone friends and tell … Read more

Triolet: Just a Dusting

Dogs in garden with light snow cover

Just a dusting’s not enough There’s barely ample white to fight It’s floating free like frozen fluff Just a dusting’s not enough No handful for a snowball – tough! This winter’s snowfall’s far too light Just a dusting not enough … Read more

From a Dragon’s Den in Milton Keynes

'Dreams' in Milton Keynes

After Come to Milton Keynes by Paul Weller   Me and the rest of the company grunts, we know for sure that we are being used as fodder for the god of profit, doff the cap to ownership, it seems … Read more

Throwing Stones in 2020

throwing stone

After A Stone’s Throw Away by Paul Weller   News just in of last year’s protests starting again in Chile And hundreds of thousands massing in the city streets for women’s rights in Poland Burned-out squatters turning out in Johannesburg … Read more

Triolet: Batten Down the Hatches


We’re hiding from Storm Bella, me and my lockdown crew The kid, our pets, my fella, we’re hiding from Storm Bella while listening to Paul Weller and watching Doctor Who We’re hiding from Storm Bella, me and my lockdown crew

Not In School Today

Youth climate strike poster

After Earth Beat by Paul Weller Her banner has a planet on, she’s carrying resistance and insisting that the government takes action for a new start for a cleaner, greener future from today. Her classmates walk beside her, she’s a … Read more

Reprise Her

girl with long hair

After Liza Radley by Paul Weller   While others despise her, Liza – that’s short for Elizabeth – Radley, I madly admire her, I see her dance and I yearn for the stance and the world of the girl labelled … Read more

Clerihew: Julie Burchill


Julie Burchill Will fight them on the beaches like Churchill She’s been cancelled and silenced by opinion shapers She’ll tell you all about it in the national newspapers               pic: Pete Linforth at Pixabay

Triolet: Rewilding


We must rewild this island with lynxes, wolves and bears From lowland up to highland We must rewild this island in waterways and dry land with beaver dams and lairs We must rewild this island with lynxes, wolves and bears

Triolet: End of Lockdown 2


It looks as though the lockdown is going to end in tiers For while we count the clock down it looks as though the lockdown is ending with a knockdown of haircuts, meals and beers It looks as though the … Read more

Triolet: Grab That Jab


Stick that needle in my arm And get me safe and vaccinated Hush the waves of false alarm Stick that needle in my arm Protect the herd from virus harm Stay cool and keep refrigerated Stick that needle in my … Read more

Villanelle: Joint Enterprise

Osime Brown

The courts prejudge and penalise, applying law, not playing fair, convicting of ‘joint enterprise’ Two words that catch and criminalise the skin you’re in, the clothes you wear, they prejudge and they penalise You’re guilty in the system’s eyes and … Read more

Triolet: Don’t Mention the War


They never talked about the war, the ones who fought and struggled through it Why speak of memories so sore? They never talked about the war but football, politics and more Unless the young asked them to do it, they … Read more

Triolet: War Is Over


She didn’t say the war was won Instead she said the war was ended Fall silent now, the bomb and gun She didn’t say the war was won There’s future-building to be done Place and people to be mended She … Read more

Pantoum: Sight Lost, Depth Regained


From very slightly different points of view To lose an eye has given me perspective It isn’t quite as good as having two But one eye is surprisingly effective To lose an eye has given me perspective At first it … Read more

Clerihew: J.K. Rowling

JK Rowling

J.K. Rowling Is bawling and howling That a wolf can change into a human But a man can’t change into a woman

Clerihew: Johnny Rotten


Johnny Rotten Has obviously forgotten The establishment he maligned Now he talks bollocks: never mind