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  • 1980s Ranting Poetry: The Big J
  • Janine performed poetry in the 1980s as The Big J. This section contains poems, articles and other bits n bobs from this historic era.
  • Acrostics
  • An acrostic is a poem in which the first (or sometimes, the last) letter of each line spells out a word or phrase.
  • Ballads
  • Each stanza has four iambic lines, of four, three, four and three beats. The four lines rhyme abcb, and balladeers may use an internal rhyme in the first and third lines.
  • Festive Funnies
  • Some daftly-rewritten Christmas odes
  • Formal poetry
  • Villanelles, sonnets, haiku, limericks and more ... Not all Janine's poems follow strict forms, but these ones do ...
  • Clerihew
  • Four lines, two rhyming couplets. The first line is the name of a person. The rhymes and the line lengths are allowed to be - supposed to be, even - a bit rubbish.
  • Golden shovels
  • A golden shovel takes another poet's poem (or extract) and uses its words as the end words of the lines of a new poem. So if you read down the right-hand side, just the last word of each line, of the golden shovel, you will be reading the poem that inspired it. The golden shovel expands, develops or even changes the meaning of the original.
  • Haiku
  • First: five syllables Next line: seven syllables Last: five syllablesThere are some other rules too, but I'm ignoring them.
  • Limericks
  • Five-line poems, usually funny or light-hearted; the first, second and fifth lines rhyme with each other; the third and fourth lines also rhyme with each other, and are shorter.
  • Pantoums
  • A form of poetry comprised of a series of quatrains; the second and fourth lines of each stanza being repeated as the first and third of the next, until the last stanza, where the second and fourth lines are the third and first lines of the first stanza. Got that? Good.
  • Sonnets
  • Fourteen lines of iambic pentameter. The two most usual rhyme schemes are ababcdcd-efefgg (English/Shakespearean) and abbaabba-cdecde or abbaabba-cdcdcd (Italian/Petrarchan). The move from the first eight lines (the octave) to the remaining six lines (the sestet) often sees a turn in the poem's theme or 'argument'. Plus some fourteen-liners that are not strictly sonnets.
  • Triolet
  • Eight lines. The first and second lines repeat as the seventh and last lines, and the first line also repeats as the fourth line. The rhyme scheme is  ABaAabAB, capital letters representing the repeated lines.
  • Four Lines That Rhyme
  • Quick quatrains with a rhyme scheme.
  • Villanelles
  • A nineteen-line poetic form consisting of five three-line stanzas (tercets) followed by a final, four-line stanza (quatrain).

Pantoum: At Kindergarten in Lviv

'Shelter' sign at Lviv kindergarten

At Kindergarten in Lviv The sirens sound, the children risePut on their coats and follow teacherAway from danger from the skiesAir raids are a schoolday feature Put on their coats and follow teacherToddle through the honeycombAir raids are a schoolday … Read more

What Doctor Kendall ordered

Liz Kendall

What Doctor Kendall ordered (as Labour’s Work & Pensions Secretary plans to send Work Coaches to visit mental health in-patients) You think you need some space to breathesome peaceful time awayBut no! You need some handy hintsto spruce your resumé … Read more

Tough Decisions

Rachel Reeves and Keir Starmer: tough decisions in the Budget

Villanelle: Tough Decisions

Governments must make tough decisions
Sorry choices, hard selections
Daring shares and long divisions

They’re Oasis

Oasis Liam and Noel


Their tour’s extensive
Their interviews somewhat defensive
The tickets are rather expensive
But they need more dimes

If You Should Win


If you get your wayIf the foreigners are kept at bayIf we wind the drawbridge and mine the beachesReach a state of monocultureCreate an all-white social structure Would your wages rise? Or would you find to your surprise your payslip doesn’t grow … Read more

Ta-ra Tories


Ta-ra Penny

Let’s hope that the end of Ms Mordaunt
turns out to be some sort of portent
of Conservative death
the Tories’ last breath
and spares us from more of their torment

District 6

District 6 Museum

District 6 is an area of Cape Town, South Africa, that had a population that was racially mixed until the Apartheid government decreed in 1966 that District 6 become whites-only. Sixty thousand black and coloured residents of District 6 were evicted and their houses demolished.

Cheese Plant

Cheeseplant, illustrating poem about vegan cheese

I go mental for lentils
and crazy for maize
I’m in an eternal
pine kernel phase

Lip Service

Lip service

Maybe one day we won’t celebrate each month anniversary
Or one day our “I love you”s will start sounding rather cursory

Pride Is

Autistic Pride 2017

Pride is this:
the counter-march to prejudice

There’s a reason it was named:
Pride is refusal to feel ashamed.

Video: Job cuts

Job cuts

A poem in the Welsh poetic form of Clogyrnach (which is remarkably similar to a limerick), written in support of Unite the Union’s strike ballot of steel workers employed by Tata in South Wales, whose jobs are under threat.

Video: Steel workers’ jobs are on the line

Steel workers CF

A poem in the Welsh poetic form of Cyhydedd Fer, written in support of Unite the Union’s strike ballot of steel workers employed by Tata in South Wales, whose jobs are under threat.

Poke Your Woke


If your Daily Mail goes up in smoke
Then that’s because the world’s gone woke

BPD: Bullshit Psychiatric Diagnosis

BPD word cloud // Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Basic problem: dysfunctional brain. Poisonous dynamic. Bad person. Difficult. Branded, pigeonholed, dubbed bonkers, psycho, disturbed. Best put down ‘borderline’. Please don’t bother protesting, dear. Boffin professionals drafted brilliant Ph Ds berating personal downfall Browbeaten patients drop by pharmacy, drugs bring … Read more

Middle-aged Kicks

pain 3009613 1280 1

with apologies to The Undertones A middle-aged dream’s so hard to beat Every time I’m offered a seat A cinnamon whirl in the neighbourhood With a glass of wine, it tastes so good I’m getting older, getting older, right Get … Read more

Onward, Anti-Woke Soldiers

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They’re marching off to war on woke, to fan the flames, to fuel and stoke a cooked-up culture conflagration, save the fabric of our nation and every thing we Brits hold dear from those who’d welcome migrants here They’ll soon … Read more

Sitting in your Citroen


There’s room for snacks and Doom Bar cans flirting, fun and future plans For you are my adventure gringo side by side in your Berlingo There’s room for friends and kids and all There’s room for creatures great and small … Read more

Forty. New. Hospitals.


Who knew that new need not actually mean new? It might mean refurbished or extended, repurposed or pretended? Who knew? Who’d have thought it, that forty need not actually mean forty? That’s rather naughty It ought to, surely? I’d have … Read more

The Match and the Patch

Northern Soul Robust 13935759212

Football fans from Northern towns hit the capital city Sharp-dressed, pretty   sure to take the opportunity to take in a record shop and rifle through vinyl score a winner reach the final   Make their way to Covent Garden … Read more

Nah, You’re Alright

Abolish the monarchy

I’d rather do a highland fling Or tie my nipples up with string Impale my buttock on a spring I’d rather do most anything Than pledge allegiance to a king I’d risk the wrath of Merciless Ming Or face what … Read more