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  • Clerihew
  • Four lines, two rhyming couplets. The first line is the name of a person. The rhymes and the line lengths are allowed to be - supposed to be, even - a bit rubbish.
  • Golden shovels
  • A golden shovel takes another poet's poem (or extract) and uses its words as the end words of the lines of a new poem. So if you read down the right-hand side, just the last word of each line, of the golden shovel, you will be reading the poem that inspired it. The golden shovel expands, develops or even changes the meaning of the original.
  • Haiku
  • First: five syllables Next line: seven syllables Last: five syllablesThere are some other rules too, but I'm ignoring them.
  • Limericks
  • Five-line poems, usually funny or light-hearted; the first, second and fifth lines rhyme with each other; the third and fourth lines also rhyme with each other, and are shorter.
  • Pantoums
  • A form of poetry comprised of a series of quatrains; the second and fourth lines of each stanza being repeated as the first and third of the next, until the last stanza, where the second and fourth lines are the third and first lines of the first stanza. Got that? Good.
  • Sonnets
  • Fourteen lines of iambic pentameter. The two most usual rhyme schemes are ababcdcd-efefgg (English/Shakespearean) and abbaabba-cdecde or abbaabba-cdcdcd (Italian/Petrarchan). The move from the first eight lines (the octave) to the remaining six lines (the sestet) often sees a turn in the poem's theme or 'argument'. Plus some fourteen-liners that are not strictly sonnets.
  • Triolet
  • Eight lines. The first and second lines repeat as the seventh and last lines, and the first line also repeats as the fourth line. The rhyme scheme is  ABaAabAB, capital letters representing the repeated lines.

Clerihew: Johnny Rotten


Johnny Rotten Has obviously forgotten The establishment he maligned Now he talks bollocks: never mind

Clerihew: Morrissey


Morrissey Is even worse than Boris, he Had a stroke of luck When he missed that ten-tonne truck

Clerihew: Rosa Luxemburg


Rosa Luxemburg As I’m sure you must have heard Was jailed and murdered as she would not conform And preferred revolution to reform    

Clerihew: Michael Gove


Michael Gove Spun and stitched and wove A tapestry of policy Of bloody awful quality       . . . . Photo: Chris McAndrew / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)

Clerihew Times Two: Herbert Morrison / Peter Mandelson


Herbert Morrison was moderate and worrisome He had an appropriate grandson: Peter Mandelson Peter Mandelson could not get a handle on The passionate, radical, principled and quarrelsome: rather like his grandfather, Herbert Morrison

Clerihew: Henry III

Henry II seal

Henry the Third was somewhat absurd He endorsed the Great Charter and ignored it thereafter

On the Level


Freeborn John was one Coronavirus is not: A great leveller

Your Place


Last year, I wrote a poem (a pantoum) called ‘This Place’ about visiting my son in the adolescent psychiatric unit where he spent four months (read it here). He now has his own flat, living independently with support. So I … Read more

Dispensible Other


Accept our rule and stop this hue and cry Some loved ones have to go before their time It’s just the weak and sick and old who’ll die We have a theory here to justify Our nudging unit thinks it’s … Read more

Storm Damage

Tree on the line

Your train is delayed Because of leaves on the line With trees still attached

The End of the End of Austerity

Sajid Javid MP

It’s the end of the end of austerity Can you believe the temerity? Sajid has said That his promise is dead But the few will retain their prosperity “Austerity no more” is no more The previous promise ignored The election … Read more

Get Out Of Here


I’d like to get out but the lift doesn’t work And my knees are too weak for the stairs I meant to get out but the telly keeps telling me People like me should be scared I was going to … Read more

Lighting, Rigged

Lighting rig

Thirty-five years ago, I was sexually assaulted at a gig. I never told anyone. But over the last few years, some stuff has prompted me to finally address it – by writing this poem. Standing by the ticket table, flogging … Read more

Five Crosses

Level five

A villanelle about the deaths of workers at the Crossrail Bond Street site. Don’t go down to level five A killer’s prowling in the deep Stay away and stay alive Worker bees construct a hive of industry, where toxins seep … Read more