Book: ’16 The Age of Discontent – a ranting, rhyming, revolting review of the year
SKU: 61786
Category: Books
A collection of poems charting the eventful year that has been 2016. From floods to the EU referendum, Oscar Pistorius to the failed Labour coup, from Syria to Trump, from the London Mayor to the Olympic games, rail strikes to the barred list at the Half Moon, Herne Hill. It’s all here!
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- Sandbags and Gladrags
- Rachman’s Heirs
- Tell Me Jeremy
- Man in the Border Post
- Clean for the Queen?
- Haiku series: International Working Women’s Day
- Zero Hours
- Change Here Please
- Wondering Eyes
- Autism Bewareness Month
- The Barred List at the Half Moon, Herne Hill
- Queen Vic (Let’s Do It)
- Zac and the Whistle
- Crazed Loner
- Not Like Us
- Haiku: Exit Left?
- I Write This Poem With a Heavy Heart
- Love Labour’s Lost
- I Will Be With You, Whatever
- Her Name is Reeva
- If You Can’t Beat ’Em, Cheat ’Em
- The Strike Train
- The Eleventh Commandment
- The Sexism Olympics
- #labourpurge2
- Bodily Fluids Interception Team
- Haiku: Eleven Plus
- How to Bring Back the Hunt
- From Alex, 6 Years Old
- R-SOL: Rejection for Speakers of Other Languages
- 21 October 1966
- Memento Mori
- Pro Patria Mori
- Rudolf the Unionised Reindeer